Your Family will Thrive with us!
Thriving Family Attorney Program
Wiley Law, LLC’s Thriving Family Program is available for our valued Estate Planning clients. This unique program is intended to supplement the client’s initial work, and ensures that their plan remains as up-to-date as possible so that it continues to meet the client’s needs and goals.
The benefits available for those enrolled in this program include:
Meetings with an attorney to review your family and/or financial situation, discuss the status of your Trust funding, discuss any possible changes to your Estate Planning documents, update your Powers of Attorney, etc.
Meetings will be billed at $300 per, no matter the purpose!
Free Unlimited Phone Calls to Wiley Law, LLC on any Estate Planning matter.
Free “Meet and Greet” with any successor Trustees/Executors and Beneficiaries, so that they become familiar with us as a resource for their questions or concerns.
Our Estate Plans are really designed to benefit your loved ones—we pride ourselves on going the extra mile to ensure their comfort and understanding.
Free Consultation/Coordination with any of your professionals including Financial Advisors, Accountants, Insurance Agents, etc.
We will provide a contact sheet for you to list any professionals you’d like us to speak to.
20% Discount on hourly fees for all non-covered Estate Planning matters, such as Medicaid Planning, or substantive (major) changes to the Trust. These major changes include the addition of new Trusts, redesigning the Trust plan, or additions/removal of beneficiaries.
Discounted Probate/Estate Administration Fees upon the death of a participating client.
Discounted Funding after the signing of any Trust-based Estate Plan.
Access to Wiley Law, LLC’s Relationship Network– We maintain a large network of professionals (attorney and non-attorney) for reference, and will make every effort to match the client to the most appropriate provider upon request and at no additional charge.
Invitations to Educational Workshops hosted at our office. Topics we speak about include the role of a Trustee, the probate process, Special Needs Trusts planning, etc.